An effortless and comprehensive approach to burden of illness reviews

Blog - More success for at ISPOR Vienna

Published: 04-11-2016

We had another very successful conference at ISPOR Vienna this week, with a podium presentation, four posters and lots of interest at our booth.


Jean-Baptiste Krohn of Krohn Consulting Ltd. presented our methodology for developing classifiers to index over 180,000 abstracts to study types and subtypes relevant to health economics and outcomes research before an audience of well over 100 delegates.


 He explained his method for identifying features in the text and metadata of each abstract that best predicted whether the study was  reporting patient-reported outcomes, costs and resource use, economic analyses or mortality.



The iterative process we have developed, with human experts checking and refining the classifiers, has led to very accurate indexing of abstracts. This means that users of the database can search over 180,000 abstracts to find those they need to help develop and parameterise their model, develop a PRO instrument, produce a market access dossier, or inform early business development and evidence generation planning.


Jean-Baptiste's presentation can be downloaded from the ISPOR presentations database here, and you can access the four posters we also presented at the conference from our Publications page.